FAQs - MLA Claims, Property Damage & Insurance Adjustment Questions
Frequently asked questions about property damage insurance, property loss, insurance adjusters, and how we work at MLA Claims.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I protect my property from further damage?
Following a loss, your property is vulnerable to further damage from the elements (wind, rain), from weakened infrastructure, from vandalism, and often from water remaining in the building after a fire has been extinguished. Protecting your property may involve drying walls, floors, equipment and other personal property, boarding up windows, temporarily patching roofs, shoring up infrastructure, or erecting perimeter fences. MLA Claims partners with emergency services contractors who can provide the required equipment, personnel and knowledge to protect your property. They will also prepare detailed invoices that can be submitted as part of the claim to the insurance company.
Contact MLA Claims today to set up your free consultation. A representative from our firm will meet with you to discuss the advantages of the program, analyze your current insurance policy, review your schedule of properties and locations, introduce you to one of our emergency services industry partners, and help you prepare to handle your next property loss.
In the aftermath of a disaster, how does MLA Claims help?
We will analyze your insurance policy, advise you of your contractual obligations, coordinate emergency restoration services to protect your property from further damage, assemble estimates of loss, compile supporting documentation, and attend meetings and inspections with insurance company representatives. In fact, MLA Claims will advise and assist you throughout the entire claims adjustment process. This will allow your claim to be negotiated on an even playing field with the insurance company's experts and enable you to focus on other recovery or non-related issues. At MLA Claims we pride ourselves on our ability to prepare and resolve complex claims resulting from large-scale property losses, including business interruption and extra expense issues.
How will hiring MLA Claims affect the amount of time necessary to process my claim?
Since the insurance claims process includes negotiating a settlement, the amount of time it takes to resolve a claim varies. However, an experienced public adjuster can save the policyholder invaluable time. A MLA Claims adjuster will know exactly what steps to take in order to expedite advances and/or a settlement from the insurance company. Our experts will begin preparing estimates, completing inventories, and gathering the necessary information immediately after our engagement. With your cooperation, we will quickly have a detailed claim filed and will have initiated the settlement process.
What is the fee for your services?
Our fee varies on a case-by-case basis; generally our fee is based on a small percentage of the recovery. At MLA Claims we believe that we provide a value-added service by seeking to maximize your settlement and you will therefore find, at the conclusion of the claim, that our service has been financially beneficial to you.
Does MLA Claims handle claims other than fire?
Yes. MLA Claims traditionally handles losses caused by windstorm, flood, explosion, earthquake, hail, theft, vandalism, computer failure, terrorism, business interruption, lightning, inland marine, and other insured perils. Moreover, with the advent of All Risk insurance policies, we will handle all legitimate losses except those that are specifically excluded from coverage. We truly believe it is in your best interest to contact us first following any loss to specifically discuss coverage issues.